Lost Pet Recovery
Drones Revolutionize Lost Pet Recovery
We understand the heartache and worry that comes with a missing furry friend. We're committed to compassionate and efficient search & recovery to reunite you with your beloved companion quickly and efficiently.
Our drones are equipped with the latest technology to bring you every advantage in your search and recovery mission. With high-resolution cameras, excellent zoom capabilities, spotlights, and thermal imaging, our drones leave no stone unturned in the quest to find your pet.
Our pilots are FAA licensed, and FLIR certified thermographers.
1. Cover Large Areas Quickly: Time is of the essence when it comes to finding a lost pet. Our drones can cover expansive areas in a fraction of the time it would take for traditional search methods. Whether your pet has wandered off in a sprawling urban landscape or disappeared into the wilderness, our drones can swiftly scan the terrain, maximizing the chances of a successful reunion.
2. Thermal Imaging Finds Heat Signatures of Pets Quickly: Pets can hide in the most unexpected places, making them difficult to spot with the naked eye. However, our drones are equipped with thermal imaging technology, which detects heat signatures emitted by animals. This means that even if your pet is concealed under foliage or in a secluded spot, our drones can accurately pinpoint their location.
3. Access Difficult Terrains and Provide Aerial Views: From dense forests to rugged mountainsides, our drones can access terrain that is challenging for ground-based search teams to navigate. With their aerial perspective, our drones provide a comprehensive view of the area, making it easier to identify potential hiding spots and track the movements of your pet. This aerial advantage significantly reduces response times, increasing the likelihood of a successful recovery.
How It Works
1. We search a grid of the area with the thermal camera drone to spot any heat signatures
2. We utilize zoom capabilities and onboard spotlights to identify and confirm your lost pet
3. We drop a pin on the location of your pet and immediately send you a Google Maps link that takes you straight to them
We're committed to reuniting you with your furry family member as quickly as possible.
Fill out the form below to get started!